Saturday, September 17, 2016

Well Hello!

Hi there!

You know when you mean to call a friend, but then time passes and you know that in order for it to be a proper catch-up call it should last at least an hour...and then when you think about it you realize you don't have that hour (or more) to spend?

Yeah, that's kind of how blogging has become for me.

It's funny because while I still follow all of the blogs I've followed for years, I never post myself...and I notice many of the bloggers have similar "I haven't posted in a while" posts.

So what is it? Why don't we post more often? Has blogging become too much of a burden on our busy lives? For me, it's that I spend all day at a computer so I don't want to touch a computer at home unless I have to. I also don't have a nice camera, so my blog doesn't look as polished as everything out there. Finally, I'm embarrassed with myself most days. I throw a ton of self-hate at myself and don't want to spread that negativity with all of the real problems out there.

So here we are.

I'd love to tell you about all of our travels since I last wrote (Boston, Madrid, Toledo (Spain), Salamanca, Rome, Ohio, Napa, Raleigh, Ohio again, the failed Atlanta trip, Saugatuck, Lake Placid, Ohio again, San Francisco...) and the trips we have coming up this fall.

It would be good for me to write about saying goodbye to Ohio. It was rough when my parents left my childhood home, but I am so excited for them and Ohio will always be home.

I'd also want to chat with you about my weight loss journey. It hasn't been drastic and I've teeter-tottered (especially with all of the traveling!), but I'm healthy and strong.

Maybe we'd chat about the dreams Andrew and I have been having about our future.

Or how about the events I've done for Women in Wireless or for my job?

What about deals on some of my happiest shopping finds? Or some Pinterest hairdos I've tried? That's a thought. Then again, I'm no fashion blogger and there is absolutely nothing cool or trendy about me, so maybe it will just provide you a little boost of confidence knowing you're cooler than me. OK that topic is officially on the table.

If you follow me on social you've seen all of these things, so depending on my current readership (which I imagine is now nearing zero) this may all be redundant.

But I will definitely share some things about Teddy. Because duh.

So what do you think? Do any of you care what I'm up to? Do you want to read my posts anymore?

Hmmm, after thinking about it more (I've been writing this post for a while), I made a decision.

I like having this documentation of life to reflect, so I'll keep posting how I want, when I want. iPhone pics and all.

Have a good one!

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