First of all, remember that beautiful dress that I just HAD to have for graduation? Well it came, it fits, and it looks awesome! I'm SO excited!!!!
So usually Thursday is weigh-in day for Weight Watchers. Well, Andrew and I decided to change it to Fridays. Typically on Thursdays we would tend to eat more since it was a whole week before weighing in again. This is fine, except we'd also eat more on the weekends. So we're cutting out a day of eating more by weighing in on Fridays and, if it happens, not feel as bad eating worse on Friday and Saturday nights. Lately we've been lucky to have friends in town so it has been difficult to stay completely on plan (although we try!), so maybe this will help us stay on track. Hence, Thursdays on the blog will have to be filled some other way. Fridays will now be my weekly Weight Watchers update AND my continued participation in Long Distance Loving's Friday's Fancies where I play on Polyvore and come up with a fabulous outfit each week. Any ideas for a Thursday theme? Today is easy since it is Opening Day!!!
Are you a baseball fan? I liked it but wasn't a huge fan until I started to date Andrew. He loves the game and we went to around 20 or so last year. It was always a blast to cheer on the Washington Nationals even though they did not have a winning season, and I found myself becoming a true fan. [As a side note, it must be said, I grew up a Pittsburgh fan so I will always have a special place in my heart for the Pirates, even though they battle with the Nats for being the worst team in the league!!]
So here are a few pictures of my day at the ballpark - gotta love being unemployed sometimes! [Side note 2: I got a part-time job today! Woo!]
Andrew had to work so I didn't have my usual companion with me. Plus the weather was cold and rainy AND the Nats lost, but hey, it's baseball, so I had fun cheering on the guys.