I went back and forth with this several times until finally choosing To Travel & Beyond. The first part is a given, I love traveling and I try to go somewhere at any chance I get. The second part is a play on my fiancĂ© and I saying we love each other "To Infinity and Beyond”. Our first Halloween as a couple we dressed as Buzz and Woody, and it also happened to be the night we said I Love You for the first time. For me it is a way to tie two things I love into one, and it actually somewhat makes sense to everyone else.
2. Do you have a favorite travel destination? A favorite travel story?
My favorite travel destination so far would have to be Amsterdam. I admit I majorly judged based on what I had heard about and what they show in movies, but I was blown away but how amazing the city is. It seemed like such a quaint but happening area, and everyone biking everywhere is an added bonus. I recently posted about my mini vacation to Amsterdam here.
3. Do you have big travel plans after the wedding - some global honeymoon, I hope! :)
Yes! We will be taking a cruise from Rome to Greece, Croatia, Montenegro, Malta and Venice, then flying to visit my best friend in Paris for a few days. I feel like that is a great way to kick off our marriage and I can’t wait!
4. Your kitten is adorable! What's the story there? How was your adoption experience? I'm a fellow cat adopter and absolutely love our cat, Teddy!
Thank you! Oddly enough, I have never liked cats but as soon as I moved into my own place, I didn’t like the idea of being totally alone so my FiancĂ© suggested an animal. I toyed with the idea of a kitten and then one of his friends posted a picture on Facebook with 6 little kittens that lost their mama. We went that night to look at them, and I instantly fell in love. She was so tiny when I first got her that I was able to bring her to work with me everyday for about 2 months. It was great.
5. Do you have a favorite quote that you live by?
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away” This is such an inspiring quote and it is so true. Since I first heard this about 10 years ago I have tried to stop and remember the little moments in life.
6. Even though you're a Ravens fan can we still be friends considering I'm a Steelers fan?!?!
This is a tough one to answer ;) We can be friends all except for those two days a year we play each other. Good thing we split the wins amongst us this go round.
7. Have any fun upcoming holiday plans?
One of my favorite things to do during the holiday season is watch the lighted boat show. We will be doing that next weekend!
8. What has blogging taught you so far? What do you hope to learn?
Blogging has taught me that you can be friends with anyone, anywhere. I love having so many people to go to for everyday life problems, celebrations and events. I have also learned that I need to document more of my life through pictures! I really hope to learn more about coding and photoshop, but that may have to wait until after the wedding.