I mentioned last week how we're on the hunt for our photographer. I have many phone meetings this week to narrow down some options. All of their portfolios with traditional posed images mixed with artistic candids and trendy poses I've seen on Pinterest got me thinking about wedding trends.
I found the below pin and wondered what 2013 (and our wedding in 2014!) will bring in terms of "what's hot" for weddings.
I'm still in the early stages of planning so I can't relate to everything on here yet. However, the "Ideas" section doesn't mention Pinterest? Really?
What do you think?
Are you adopting any of these trends?
What trends do you think will stay or go in 2013 (or 2014)?
I think more couples will choose to forego traditional registries and instead have one geared toward their honeymoon. Also, I have a feeling formal invitations will decrease as e-cards gain some traction. I know quite a few brides who only have their website and send that link to people invited to the wedding so they can RSVP, too. We're pretty traditional and will have a registry and paper invitations, but I'm always curious to see what other people do!
Can't wait to read what you think!
That is interesting. Our wedding is up in the mountains, so we will be having a rustic wedding. Rustic chic is what I am calling it right now. Everything will be outside and there will be minimal decor. Just a few things on the tables. I do want to do a traditional registry but I also like the idea of people giving you money for your honeymoon too. We are up in the air on that one. The main stuff I want to register for is kitchen stuff. Our stuff currently is hand-me-down stuff.
I am also thinking we will do traditional invitations too. It's cool that you can RSVP online, but I am not 100% sure I like that idea for our wedding. It makes it seem so much less formal (our wedding will be informal but weddings are traditionally more formal affairs). But by the time we both get married who knows! Ha! Yah for 2014...it seems so far away!!
Do you have your venue/reception spot yet?
Love this infographic!!
I notice some of those same trends - especially when it comes to the registry section.
We aren't going for anything rustic with our wedding but I LOVE some of the rustic stuff out there. It just doesn't reflect "us".
Thanks for posting :)
Funny Pinterest wasn't on there! So many ideas. I think pink and gray and ivory are making a big comeback from what I've seen this year along with a more romantic feel. I also am not sure I totally agree with their theory on rustic, I feel like its been done, done and done. So many decisions!
Loved reading this...and so glad I'm NOT going the rustic route!!
P.S. I'm hosting 2 giveaways in the next two weeks. Be sure to stop by my blog and check them out! www.jaxandmarbles.blogspot.com
I guess I'm more traditional but I think it would be sad if people stopped using paper invites! Maybe instead of being "green" by sending them online, people could use recycled paper for their invites instead. Just a thought.
I was talking to a wedding planner a few months ago who pointed out that a lot of the trends we see in March (for example) were actually in weddings from the autumn or earlier but didn't get featured in magazines or on blogs until a few months later - so, actually, if I plan my August wedding in March copying the trends that I see and like in March, they'll actually be almost a year out of date! did that make sense? makes my head spin! the point is, I think, that trends go and come all the time - what matters is that you find things that are YOU and they'll always work :)
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