<div align="center"><a href="http://www.littlebitofclasslittlebitofsass.com/" title="Little Bit of Class Little Bit of Sass"><img src="http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh513/aukris02/weddingwednesdaybutton_zps1bde4fd6.jpg" alt="Little Bit of Class Little Bit of Sass" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Happy Wedding Wednesday!
Today marks 199 days until the Big Day!
Luckily we are tackling that to-do list like crazy because we have just over six months to go.
OK, I need to throw the girl card (as if co-hosting a Wedding Wednesday link-up didn't already reek of my girliness, right?). I was really excited about one item on my to-do list that got t-done this weekend.
I ordered my shoes!
Hey, you were warned. It just got girly.
I got a little sneaky about it, too.
You see, I love Kate Spade.
However, I just can't justify spending over $250 on a pair of shoes I may never wear again.
I don't want to share everything on the blog so I'll let you wonder which beautiful pair I want.
What I will say is that I am, in a way, DIY-ing my dream shoes.
...for well under the Kate Spade price tag.
...for well under the Kate Spade price tag.
Have no fear, I ordered a beautiful pair from a reputable brand that I know I will love.
Once they arrive I will see if the shoes can handle some shoe clips to add a little somethin' special.
If there is enough room for said clips I will order a couple from a lovely artist on Etsy.
And boom. Dream shoes become reality.
[Mary pats herself on the back.]
Oh, did I mention that the shoes I ordered were on sale?
I didn't?
Shame on me.
I rarely buy anything at full price so I feel particularly proud of this purchase.
That is, if it all looks good when I'm finished!
What's next?
A bunch!
What's next?
A bunch!
This upcoming weekend we will be in Ohio with my parents and Andrew's mom! We're going to tastings, meet our florist, meet with the priest and register! Oh my!
I'm very excited to post all about it next week!
I'm very excited to post all about it next week!
In the meantime, check out this article from Buzzfeed. It really inspired us.
You didn't click on that link, did you?
I know you didn't.
It's really funny!
Fine, I'll copy and post some of the photos.
They're engagement photos, by the way.
While the photos are from Buzzfeed the captions are all me.
While the photos are from Buzzfeed the captions are all me.
Um, honey, I think your fiance needs a nap.
Just, you know, lean into the parking meters. It's more natural that way.
They tried to get some photos at the most recent Renaissance Festival but their photographer got caught up in a joust. Fortunately this backdrop is available year-round.
There's 11 of them, so click on the link to see them all.
Have a wedding-related story to share?
We welcome them all, just please link back to us!
Free retweets if you mention @marysue20 and #WeddingWednesday!
I know Kristyn will do the same (she's @chits_giggles)!
We could favorite the tweets, too, but that'll cost ya.
207 days 'til ours! So you're the weekend before me :) Time is flying. So exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Love those awkward pictures at the bottom of your post :)
I haven't even thought about my shoes. Ok...so I have thought about them but they haven't been a priority yet. Oh well...I'll get to it eventually! I can't believe you guys are 6 months out! This year has FLOWN by!
And YAH for registering. We did that recently too and it wasn't as bad as I thought. We didn't go on the weekends and we broke each store up to a different day. That was HELPFUL! We are not totally done with BBB yet, but we got a ton done, so I am happy so far! Happy registering!
OMG those engagement photos!! Whaaaat?! People are crazy.
Yay for 199 days and for SHOES!
Happy Less Than 200 Days!
And yay shoes! Can't wait to see what you put together.
Also, I lost it at the caption for the last picture lol
I didn't realize you were just a week behind us on the big day! YAY!
These pictures are HILARIOUS. I'm jealous you got your shoes. I need to go looking!
Hope you got a ton of stuff done in Ohio!
Woah , congo in advance . I'd never spend bug bucks on wedding heels , I know I'd keep them forever so NO REPEAT!
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