Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Chits and Giggles
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Welcome to the Wedding Wednesday link-up hosted by yours truly and Kristyn from Chits & Giggles!
Link-up below, ladies!

Remember, you don't have to be a bride-to-be to participate! We want to hear any (and every!) wedding story you have!

Last week I mentioned that I created a document to send to potential florists. Since we will be interviewing them over the phone, I thought a visual aid would, you know, aid the conversation.

Curious? Scroll through the PDF below!


What do you think?
Do you have any tips for when I interview the potential florists? I plan on speaking with 7!


Kristyn said...

I have been emailing florists as well and a PDF is genius! Why hadn't I thought of that! So so smart. I love that you have everything on there too. How did you create it? I might be stealing this idea of yours!

Kristyn said...

Um this is genius! I have been emailing florists as well and I love this idea of a PDF file. Man. How did you create this? I might be stealing your idea! I love it!

bride2016 said...

Organization is key!! Good luck with the rest of your wedding planning.

Betsy Transatlantically said...

ah, I hope this comment isn't too late, but I just wanted to let you know I chose our florist over Skype! when we emailed to set up our "meeting" I send her my Pinterest handle and pointed her towards my wedding board so she could get an idea of what I wanted. She sent me to her account, too, so I could see not only examples of her work (which were on her website) but also her broader inspirations, which really helped me get a feel for her and her styele!

good luck :)

Anonymous said...

I have been emailing florists as well and a PDF is genius! Why hadn't I thought of that! So so smart. I love that you have everything on there too. How did you create it? I might be stealing this idea of yours!