Hi gang!
A college friend of mine recently posted this picture, celebrating reaching her goal weight:
Impressive, right?!?!
This is a weight I may never see, but I asked Stacy to share her story because I was curious and wanted some inspiration!
Take it away, Stacy!
Wow, life can really change quickly! A couple months ago I was a lost city girl in a small country town trying to adjust to a new life, gaining weight, and just wasting my life away. When I got on the scale in October, I was weighing about 138/139. That was the most I have ever weighed. To some that might not seem like a lot but every person is different. I felt like the pounds just kept piling on. I was feeling sad a lot of the time, I was eating like crap, and was very inactive. Mostly, I was SCARED that things were only going to get worse and I needed a way out.
I wanted to feel better about myself, to feel proud again, to be more positive, and to stop being such a bump on a log. I am not a big scale person so I wasn't really keeping track of my weight along this journey. I took my weight at the beginning of my journey because it was required. I didn’t plan on using it, maybe because I thought deep inside that I was stuck where I was since that scaled had not changed in years. But after just two months, I can say that my life has changed completely and I officially met my goal weight on January 3rd!!!
It all started when my boyfriend, Adrian, and I made the decision to move to his hometown because we thought it would be a better atmosphere to raise a family. We moved in May, after his graduation. While I loved living the quiet life, I was adjusting to a new job, a new life, training a new dog, and I couldn’t find a gym that I liked! Ugh, life was getting tough.
I was picky about my gyms because I don’t like to waste my time or my money. I have spent $1000’s on expensive monthly gym memberships in the past that I hardly used. I loved the gym I went to before my move, but to get the support I needed, I had to spend $100 a month! I spent months, even before the move, trying to find a gym that would work with my fitness preferences (high intensity interval training.) The closest was 30 minutes away and I seriously considered driving my butt 30 minutes away for the gym each day! I even tried to download workouts online to do at home but couldn’t get myself to do them.
After 4 months of not having a gym and trying to adjust to my new life, I started to feel pretty crappy both emotionally and physically. I felt like life was going in a downward spiral. I would either sleep or watch TV when I got home from work, we ate out a lot, and I just felt sad most of the time. My physical health and emotional health was taking a decline. I knew that I had to do something. I had to make some change.
I started noticing some posts on Facebook from an old grad school friend. She was posting pictures of her amazing before and after pictures from her fitness programs. I knew she was an honest person and knew she had legit program. After silently observing her progress over the course of a couple months, I got the nerve to ask her what she was doing. Based on our discussions, I signed up for Focus T25 and Shakeology. Along with my kit came free, unlimited, private, small 30 day support groups online with my friend as my coach.
It was immediately after I ordered my kit that my life did a 180. I finally had a plan that I KNEW would work. I believed in it and started to believe in myself. Nothing crazy and no gimics. No scary pills or supplements, just healthy, whole foods and honest workouts. I was given an easy meal plan to follow. All I had to do was push play on my laptop for 25 minutes a day and check in with my support group. No thinking, no driving, no worrying about the weather, no worrying about clothes or what I look like. I could work out in my PJ’s with crazy hair! I asked for 30 minutes of privacy and worked out in my bedroom. Sometimes the doggies would come sit with me but they knew they had to stay out of the wayJ Instead of coming home and sleeping at night, I was getting my workout done and checking in with my support group nightly. In between prepping dinner and relaxing with my boyfriend. I saw results after just one week!
I became incredibly motivated and had something to look forward to each night. I was working out daily and eating healthy to change my body. And oh my goodness I learned to actually cook! Real food! My mood improved, I was more productive, and talked to my friends and family more. I went from wanting to sleep all the time and feeling blue to active and energized. A lot of us women tend to focus on taking care of others and putting ourselves last. But it’s amazing how once you start taking care of yourself, once you start making yourself a priority, everything around you gets better, and everyone around you benefits. That old saying that “you can’t take care of others until you take care of yourself” definitely applies.
I also found a great team of ladies to work with and love the support that I can from them on a daily basis. I don’t think I could have been as successful otherwise. Having someone else to hold me accountable that it is going through it with me makes a difference.
I can officially say that life is good:) I'm happy, healthy, and feeling more satisfied in my life. I don't think I could have said that a few months ago. I feel so blessed to have come across my friend’s facebook page and this opportunity. I did meet my goal weight, but most importantly, I love how I feel now. I feel in control, hopeful, and excited for my future. I also love how everything else is improving in my life. My boyfriend is even more focused on his own health and fitness. He is not as committed as I am, but I am slowing rubbing off on himJ At least he eats a lot better!
I am still working towards my goals so my next journey is to conquer Insanity Max 30 which I will be starting on January 5th. It’s going to be tough but I can’t wait to see the results!
I have also made the commitment to pay it forward and help others reach their goals.
If you have any questions or want more information, please ask! I don’t bite, I promise. I just want to help J email me at stacymariefitness@yahoo.com. You can also check out my like page at https://www.facebook.com/ stacymariefit where I will be logging my Insanity Max 30 challenge J

That is amazing! I love Beachbody programs. I have the 21 day fix and PiYo, both are awesome. I mix them in with my gym workouts. Great job, Stacy!
Congrats!! That is my goal weight!
Thanks ladies! It was tough but well worth it:)
Congrats on the weight lose journey. I'll be starting mine and share the same goal weight. I'm almost double right now so I know it'll be a long journey ahead for me.
Congratulations!! :) Such a big accomplishment! Keep it up :)
Thanks ladies! For you time in reading the post and the compliments:)
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