Saturday, February 26, 2011

30 for 30 Photos: Day 9

Good afternoon!

Today's 30 Day Photo Challenge is to post a picture of the person who has gotten me through the most. I feel really blessed because there isn't just one person who fits this bill. My girlfriends growing up, my sorority sisters, and my girlfriends in DC have all been there for me in one way or another at a moment's notice. I will have to say, though, that the last couple of years have been tough, and thanks to Andrew consistently listening to my every worry and supporting my every move, I can say that he has gotten me through the most. I have grown up since we've started dating. This doesn't discount my girlfriends, though, because they are blessings in my life and give fantastic advice and tough love (here's looking at you in no particular order, Mo, Holly, Callie, Laura, Molly, Cappello, Lindsey, Amanda, Megan, Kate, Kate, Kim, Whitney, and of course my biological sister, Kate). Thank you!

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