But before I recap this weekend (which will take only a few sentences), I must show some pictures from last weekend in DC. It was so relaxing and amazing. It was just what we wanted: we saw friends, ate amazing food, went to two Nats games, I went for a run around the monuments, and we didn't ride the Metro once!
This pretty much sums it up: Capitol Hill, baseball, friends, and food!
I went with co-workers to our favorite after-work hangout (OK "favorite" is a stretch. It's just the closest.) . Then I met up with Andrew at a new bar for us, The Holiday Grill & Bar. We loved it!
However, he kept beating me at Connect 4. I won one, though!!!
On Sunday I somehow managed to wake up early and make it to Mass. It's always tough to wake up, but Old St. Pat's is worth it! I seriously love that church!
After that we had delicious breakfast and then I went to meet up with friends for a run along the Lake!
I met them north of the city and we ran along the lake for about 4 miles before they turned back up north and I ran home. All in all it was about 7 miles. That's really really far for me!
We won't talk about how long it took me. I don't care about that :)
I basically crashed for the rest of the day, but we made delicious fajitas for Cinco de Mayo!
How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun for the Derby or Cinco de Mayo??
What a great couple of weeks! So fun! You're always up to cool things. I need a Chicago re-do :)
Glad you are well! Thanks for linking up.
I live RIGHT BY the holiday bar, we NEED to hang out.
Love those photo collages! I can't believe how quickly that weekend passed, but at least we have some quality pictures! Oye, that selfie! O my.
Btw, totally stealing the beer idea! Thanks Andrew :)
Love all the photos! And, also LOVE Old St. Patrick's in Chicago. I've only been once on a trip there, but it was a beautiful place to go to mass! Love your blog!
The Classy Cubicle
Beautiful photos! And, I also LOVE Old St. Patrick's in Chicago! I've only been once when traveling there, but it was a great place to go to mass! Love your blog!
The Classy Cubicle
Looks like a great weekend in DC - love a good baseball game :)
Wow 7 miles... go you! lol it would take me a day and a half to walk that far
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